What do these 3 words have in common? My new pair of jeans!
If you've been following my blog you know I've been waiting to get back into my old jeans. Well, a dozen yoga classes, lots of walking, and 10 months later I have reached my goal fitting into 2 old pairs. There may be a little muffin top happening but I can still zip them up, so, Horray me! But, the bad news is these 2 pairs aren't my faves. Those are still hanging in the closet.
When I was pregnant my doula told me that a woman's hips can move 2 inches or more during pregnancy and sometimes they don't move back. I believe it. My entire body feels different than before. Different in a good way. I bet it has something to do with the breastfeeding hormones (they seem to impact everything) because I have a new Gratitude for my body that I never had before: it was the vessel my little baby took to enter our world. I'm also going easier on myself and Understanding that it's okay not to have the same body as before. I have Madelyn now, I didn't have her before. And all this has helped me Love my body more than ever.
What better way to celebrate all of these emotions than with a new pair of investment denim? I have been anxiously waiting for the dojo to hit Aritzia this spring. Then when we were strolling through the mall this week there they were. I tried them on and instantly felt like a MILK (G rated version of you know...K is for kiss :) ). I can't believe it took this long for the trouser flare to reappear..totally takes me back to fall '00. Here they are, my new faves:
If you also like this look, which is a short girls bff, check out these contenders:
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